We provide custom made application development, based on your business resources & requirements. We intend to provide dynamic customized application. Custom application development helps in

  • Performance improvement.
  • Allows flexibility.
  • Security of data is ensured, since data is not shared with any third party.
  • Support and maintenance is easy.
  • Scalable in nature.
  • Integration and updating is smooth.

Custom application development involves following stages-

  1. Define
    In this stage, project related data is gathered with supporting documents, and
    requirements are analyzed. Cost and time estimation is given in this phase. It also includes feasibility study.

  2. Design
    In this stage, requirements, layouts, rules and use case are documented and application is designed based on the requirements.

  3. Development
    In the stage actual coding, compiling, database creation and test cases are developed. 

  4. Debug
    Testing of software is implemented to find out any bugs in the coding and bugs are resolved accordingly. Debugging ensures the application works based on requirements and input and provides desired results.

  5. Deployment
    After all these stages, application is deployed on the system. Deployment is based on the environment of the system. Deployment is carried out on consumer's side and also on own side.

  6. Maintenance
    Maintenance of application is the crucial part, to ensure smooth working of application. Maintenance corrects any exisitng faults, Improves design, adds enhancement, migrate legacy software.
Custom application development