How to distribute your iOS app OTA with Enterprise account

  1. Web server setup 
    1. You need to Install your favorite web server (eg. Apache, Nginx, IIS) correctly.
    2. Make sure all the paths (to .plist in html file & to .ipa in .plist file are absolute, not relative) e.g,
      • https://YOUR_IP/ios_app/YOUR_APP.plist
      • https://YOUR_IP/ios_app/YOUR_APP.ipa
    3. Don't forget to put itms-services:// in the link. Your link should be something like this.
      • <a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://YOUR_IP/ios_appYOUR_APP.plist">Install iOS App!</a>
    4. .htaccess file should be saved in same directory where "ios_app" directory is there. You should include following in this file:
      • AddType application/octet-stream .ipa
        AddType text/xml .plist
        <Files *.ipa>
          Header set Content-Disposition attachment
    5. Check if all looks proper.
    6. XCode process
    7. Apple developer console process
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