Online Education vs Traditional Education

Online Education vs Traditional Education


Online Education Vs Traditional Education


With the evolution of technology, everything is going online. Should we prefer to study online?


Consider the various factors below while making your choice:


1) Timing


Online videos will give you an opportunity to study according to your convenience. Timings of schools or coaching classes are moreover fixed.


Thus there is greater flexibility in the online model. This could also be a disincentive to study as here you have to take the initiative on your own.



2) Finding The Right Teacher


Often you might have found yourself comfortable with a particular teacher. In the online model, you can explore different teachers for free.


In traditional education, you first fix a school or coaching classes. In such cases, you should ask for demo lectures before joining. This would help you in the decision-making process.



3) Travelling Time


Sometimes you might have to travel far from your home to study. You end up wasting a lot of time in travelling. Online education could be very helpful in such cases.



4) Up To Date Knowledge


Many new concepts come up each day with the advancement in technology. It takes time for such concepts to be included in the course curriculum. Many online courses to learn such concepts could be available.


5) Missing Out Concepts


In online education, if you fail to understand something the first time you see it, you can go back to understand it.


In traditional education, if you fail to pay attention, you might miss out that concept. Sometimes you might ask the teacher to repeat their words.



6) Social Interaction


In online education, there is no student-teacher interaction at all. In traditional education, you make friends and built student to teacher relationships.


This will help you consult teachers and your friends to solve out your difficulties. Also, you can get one on one help if required. You develop your intellectual, writing and communication skills. Also, you learn many things like cooperation, punctuality, and discipline.



7) Cost


Traditional education is very expensive compared to Online Education.



The Perfect Choice: A Mixture Of Both


Institutions could upload the course material or video lectures of the teacher online. Also, they should make attendance compulsory to the classrooms. This could help you gain advantages of both forms of education.


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